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It is election day! Get out there and vote while you can!

Writing Progress - November 6th, 2023

“Benton Hills College” (working title) - Monster of the Week Campaign Design: 1000 words + Research

Writing Progress - November 3st, 2023

“Precious Drops of Poison” (working title) - reflective essay: 558 words

Convictions and Short Memories

Sam Bankman-Fried was convicted today. He was the poster child of the crypto-frauds. I am only sorry that more won’t be held to the same account.

The core reality is that his conviction is a drop in the bucket. It does nothing to help the people suckered by his get-rich quick schemes. It does nothing to curb the ongoing garbage spewing from the self-appointed geniuses running everything into the ground in order to prop themselves up.

We don’t get to pat ourselves on the back here. This was not a victory. SBF was an easy sacrifice. The core problems that led to his rise still remain.

NaNoWriMo 2023

A quick aside - I am doing NaNoWriMo this year.

I am focused more on getting back into the habit of writing. I am not sure what form it will take. I really want to start posting more and am hoping this month can help with that. I am also considering moving to a different platform, but that can be decided after this month is over.

I am thinking I will start with daily updates starting tomorrow (November 3rd). A form of accountability (even unto a void) helps.

© Geoffrey Gimse (2024) - Built using Hugo.

Opinions expressed here are my own and are not neccessarily shared by employers, friends, or colleagues. Except where noted, all photos are my own. Other images used on this site are in the Public Domain or have been purchased for use via The Noun Project."